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Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum wbt.. Salam ukhwah.. We just have one,live your life happily just like what u want it to be.. Believe in Allah..Have FAITH! May ALLAH bless us! ^^

Thursday, 8 November 2012

result result result ! : ')

assalamualaikum.. :)

arini result sem 3 dah kuar..hee...
saya gembira..walaupun result x seberapa..hee..
calculus 2 kita akan berjumpa semula..hehe..xpe2..
berpeluang untuk jumpa balik dgn awak ye calculus 2 :)
nanti saya bagi awak dapat gred A ye..jangan risau..insyaAllah :)
dengan physic pon..saya akan bagi awak dapat gred A :)
insyaAllah :)

result kali ni,,hee..happy sebab bio,chem dgn physic dapat B, B- ngn B
susah tau nak dpt tu..da la 4 jam kredit yg bio ngn chem tu..hee..berkat study..menangis2 tu..heheh

BEL plak..aigooo..nnty aku nk tnye sume org pnye result bel..aku je ke yg dpt C+ ? ke sume org dpt cmtu ?
xpnah2 kotttt !! : '(

mata mcm nak nangis..haha..tapi...air mata x nak turun..hehe
*menangis dlm hati jep* agaggaga...XD

tabah..redha..ALLAH knows the best :)
cheer !

; ')
true !

hee..alhamdulillah :)

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

lunch lunch lunch : ')


*tgah kepedasan*
perghh..pedas rupenye kerabu mangga tu..haha..
ingat kan sikit..bila tambah lagi..hamekkk kauuu..haha..pedas nye !!
#menu arini :
~~ikan tongkol masak berlada
~~kerabu mangga
~~salad dan telur rebus

*menu special aku..jeng jeng jeng !! kicap ! hahaha..
kuah mcm xde je..aku mkn la ngn kicap..sedap ape..bila lama x makan nasi ngn kicap..ngeheheh...

tu la lunch aku arini..simple but nice la bagi aku.. :)

resipi resipi ! heheh..

kerabu mangga :
 ~~opkos la tak ?
~~ 2 biji mangga
~~ 1 batang bunga kantan
~~10 biji cili api *kalau nak pedas boleh tambah lagi cili tu..
~~ 5 ulas bawang merah
~~ udang kering digoreng tanpa minyak dan dikisar

cara2 nya.. :

~~hiris mangga
~~hiris bunga kantan,bawang, dan cili api.
~~gaulkan bersama udang kering yang telah dikisar
~~garam dan gula secukup rasa

***bahan2 ni boleh di tambah mengikut sesedap rasa..kalau nk makan ramai2..buat la bnyk2..hehe

nah gambar ~~

senang cter nak buat kerabu ni senang sangat..masuk je ape rase nak makan pun...sotong ke..nnty jadi la kerabu seafood..kan..? tehee..best2..

*first time buat kerabu mangga ni masa kat Port Dickson..dapat resipi ni dari ibu la..mane tak nye..ibu yang suruh buat..haha..da lah x pnah makan..sekali kena buat..hamekkk..haha..sedap pulak..wekkk :P
pegi beraya rumah ibu angkat dekat PD..
best woo..pastu buat keje gila gi melaka..haha
next post aku cter pasal melaka okeyh ? : ')

tataaaaaaaaa... : ')

Sunday, 4 November 2012

choc chip cookies ~

hee..nampak mcm sedap je choc chip cookies ni kan..aku plak memang suka mkn cookies..adehh..haha..choc chip ade dah kat dapur tu..ape lagi..moh le kita buat choc chip cookies !! tapi esok la..mlm ni malas pule..ekeke..sape2 yang nak buat choc chip cookies ni bole je google mcm2 jenis resipi yang aku tunjuk video je..resipi yang mak den slalu buat lain..secret recipe punye..eheh..SR la sangat kan..=='
haha..hurmm..ape pon..memasak ni sangat best sebenarnya..rugi ouh kalau x suka masak..x sedap xpe..janji ade keinginan and usaha nak memasak..sebab kalau dah selalu masak nanti lama2 sedap jugak kan.. ? wink3 ^^ ; ')

enjoy the vid guys.. :)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

dreaming = mimpi = impian ~


(n_n)V *peace*
lama x update blog ni kan..ngeheheh..
tengah cuti ~ so maksudnya movie time la kan..eheh..
banyak whoa movie aku tgok..ekeke..
best2 sume..sedih dan best ~ keke..
sampai bole ternangis2 plak kan..kekeke..

salah satu movie yang dah lama orang lain tengok,tp aku baru nak tengok adalah DREAM HIGH ~
eheh..biasalah aku, memang perangai macam tu da lama tapi aku baru nak tengok..ikut mood je sbenanye..bila aku rasa mood ade nak tengok movie tu, aku tengok la..kalau xde mood..tukar movie lain..*lpas abis dream high 2 nk tgok winter sonata plak..x pernah tgok lagi*..eheheh...sama macam study...kalau xde mood nak buat math, aku study benda lain ke..chem ke..ikut mood ape tengah ade dalam kepala masa tu...bagi aku maybe cara tu boleh buat aku bertambah concentrate and fokus kot..sebab aku ni senang hilang fokus dan minat.. :)

*yang lain jangan la ikut perangai ni ye..maybe x bagus untuk korang..heheh..

back to the topic ~

dreaming = mimpi = impian..

bila tengok dream high ni..terasa semangat tu naik balik..hee..
semangat untuk kejar impian yang aku tak tau tu impian aku yang betul ke atau pun ape..
seriously untuk tak ada minat masa dah nak masuk sem 4 ni memang masalah yang sangat BESAR sebenarnya..

nak tau sebab ape ? sebab nanti masa nak isi borang UPU untuk degree..kita hanya ada 4 pilihan JE !
apa aku nak letak untuk 4 pilihan tu ???
aku minat apa sebenarnya ? hailaaa..

*ketuk ketuk kepala*

tak tau la aku minat apa..
sampai aku terfikir..nanti aku letak je pilihan apa yang aku rasa aku boleh bawak and yang paling penting..ade la minat aku dalam bidang tu..even sikit.. :)

and then..let ALLAH led my way ~ :) ALLAH is the BEST planner right..? ALLAH plan with LOVE.. :)

back to dream high..

<3 song sam dong <3
hee..dalam cerita dream high tu..aku paling suka laki ni.. :)
waktu ni..dia dah tau yang dia ade penyakit yang boleh membuat dia punya pendengaran kurang..senang citer mcm dia ni bole jadi pekak la.. :)
dia down giler sebelum dia nyanyi untuk konsert ni.. *konsert ni untuk dia buat keputusan sama ada dia nak stay dalam bidang nyanyian ni atau back off je*..dia rasa macam future dia dah gelap..dream or impian dia dah musnah..sedih kan.. ?
sam dong ni kan kurang pendengaran..dia ni kejap dengar, kejap tak dengar..
tapi hye mi..*watak perempuan dlm cter ni : sam dong suka perempuan tu* bg semangat kat dia..and cakap yang dia tak kan give up dengan laki ni..means dia akan tolong laki ni masa konsert tu..yang dia pandang keyboard tu sebab dia nak agak bila patutnya dia start dia kira sampai lima..pastu baru dia start menyanyi..masa mula2 sam dong ni nyanyi memang ke laut pitch..then hye mi tu tolong dia..bagi dia on rhythm..tak off beat.. hye mi ni guna isyarat tangan.. :)
dan sam dong ni pun dapat balik semangat dia untuk nyanyi lagu tu sampai habis..
sedih gila part ni..aku nangis kot !  :'(

nah aku bagi korang tengok video part yang aku citer ni..


sedih kan.. ????

benda benda macam ni mesti korang rasa macam biasa je..or tah pape je..tapi..aku ni type yang senang inspired or touched dengan benda benda yang bagi korang nampak remeh..tapi bagi aku..besar impak nya..kadang kadang ayat or perkataan yang orang cakap secara spontan pun boleh buat aku bersemangat balik. :)
that's me : ')
so aku memang dah tambah cite korea ni sebagai penguat semangat aku..hati kita ni kena sentiasa cari makanan..kita kena selalu bagi hati kita makan supaya hati kita ni terjaga..makanan dari segi rohani..jasmani..mental..dan fizikal..sume aspek tu penting..untuk bagi hati kita ni sihat.. :)
boleh je kita jadikan cerita ni sebagai background untuk kita capai impian kita..
*apa aku merepek ni..tah korang paham ke tak..ehehh..*
macam mana eh nak terangkan..hee..

contoh macam aku..aku nak sgt impian aku utk jadi d#@$!%t tu jadi kenyataan..tapi aku rasa aku tak layak..hehh..tapi lepas tengok dream high ni..aku dapat idea yang kita sebenarnya boleh jadi semua benda yang kita impikan..IF AND ONLY IF kita :

#berusaha untuk capai impian tu
#komited dan fokus untuk berjaya
#MINAT dengan impian kita tu
#tabah hadapi segala ujian yang akan mendatang
#BERDOA agar apa yang kita dah buat untuk capai impian kita tu diberkati ALLAH dan mendapat redhaNYA

dua benda yang aku highlight kan tu TERSANGATLAH penting untuk kita capai impian kita..
amboi teruknya bahasa melayu aku..marah cikgu liza ngan cikgu zaharah kalau baca ni..ehehh..mianhe yo  :P

minat ni boleh buat kita terus ada semangat untuk teruskan kerja kita or impian kita.. even though kita dah rasa give up gila gila, bila kita dah rasa penat sangat sangat, dan rasa macam nak hentikan sume benda yang kita dah buat bila ada ujian yang datang..minat ni boleh buat kita happy bila kita buat task or assignment yang kita kena buat even though kita dah tak larat nak buat lagi..

minat ni impak dia sangat BESAR ! sebab tu kita kena buat apa yang kita minat..dan kita tak boleh nak paksa seseorang untuk buat apa yang dia tak minat..sebab kerja tu mungkin tak kan menjadi atau tak berjaya..
*maybe ade je yang berjaya even though dia tak de minat..who is all ALLAH's plan..*

doa ni pun TERSANGATLAH penting jugak dalam hidup..especially for MUSLIM :)
doa kan senjata orang orang mukmin.. :)
kita kena sentiasa minta dengan ALLAH..minta agar apa yang kita buat ni dapat redha dariNYA..
minta agar apa yang kita buat ni berjaya dengan cemerlang..
minta agar urusan kita dipermudahkan..
minta agar kita berjaya DUNIA AKHIRAT.. :)
ALLAH sentiasa mendengar doa doa hambaNYA..walaupun dalam apa jua bahasa..walaupun sekadar di dalam hati.. :)

walaupun kita tidak berjaya..atau pun tetibe ade masalah datang..jangan mengeluh..jangan sesekali berputus asa dan berpaling dari impian kita tu..sebab perasaan tu hanya akan membunuh impian kita dan mengelakkan ianya dari menjadi kenyataan..

kalau aku down..aku letak gambar ni as desktop background kat laptop aku..eheheh..

relaks dulu..pergi bersiar siar..amik angin malam or petang..*aku suka angin malam..sebab sejuk and ade banyak lampu* : ')..tenangkan fikiran..jangan fikir apa2..
menangis je kalau nak menangis pun..or buat je apa2 yang korang rasa boleh buat korang hilang tension..makan coklat ? bersukan ? baling batu dalam kolam ? tengok laut ? do whatever it takes to let it all out for a while..bila rasa otak tu dah okey sikit..then you can start slowly from the beginning.. :)

and IF..
kita dah berusaha semampu mungkin..dah buat yang terbaik..tapi STILL..kita tak berjaya..mungkin itu bukan rezeki yang tertulis oleh ALLAH untuk kita..mungkin kita tak boleh berjaya kalau kita dapat benda yang kita nak tu sekarang..mungkin tu jalan yang ALLAH dah tetapkan untuk kita dan kita hanya perlu berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik ke arah jalan yang ALLAH dah tetapkan untuk kita tu..mungkin..mungkin..dan mungkin..kita kena percaya bahawa.. :
#setiap perkara yang berlaku itu tidak sia sia dan ada hikmah di sebalik tiap sesuatu.. :)
just have faith in ALLAH's plan..and REDHA :)

apa pun..yang penting adalah..
doa kita haruslah sentiasa mengiringi apa yang kita buat.. :)

#sape kata kita tengok cerita korea ni sia-sia..?
yang penting..setiap apa pun cerita atau lagu atau apa apa je la..
amik iktibar dari setiap apa yang kita lihat setiap hari..
~jadikan pengalaman..
~jadikan pengajaran..
~jadikan sumber inspirasi..
~mulakan langkah untuk berusaha..
~dan teruskan berdoa untuk terus berjaya. :)

<3 <3 <3
: ')
hambik kau..dah lama x ngapdet sekali update ambik panjang ni aku membebel..ekekeke..gian kot..eheh..
sume entry ni ditaip ber-background-kan lagu  DREAMING - KIM SOO HYUN..
sape nak dengar..lagu ni ade kat area bawah blog ni.. : ')

<3 <3 <3

Thursday, 18 October 2012

holiday tu maksudnya cuti ! :P


eheh..sem 3 dah lepas..
cuti sem 3 dah mula !! howyeahhh...ekekeke..
da nak masuk sem 4 dah ? hurmm..=='

pape je..haha..kbai.. :P

Monday, 8 October 2012

sedih !


hmm..sedih nye rasa hati !
salah aku ke ?
aigoo..tak tau nk buat mcm mana dah..
rasa x best duduk kat umah ni..
mane nak lari ?
 sedih ! :'(

Friday, 13 July 2012

I'm Breaking Down .

assalamualaikum w.b.t.
ni adalah salah satu artikel yg sangat me-motivate-kan diri saya :)
I'm Breaking Down. by ~ Ameen Misran
“Why do we fall, sir?” Alfred Pennyworth asked little Bruce Wayne. The little Mr. Wayne just continues on to cry, frightened of thousands of bats fiercely flying out of the cave he fell. Alfred just smiled to the son of once a very influential man in Gotham city. We fall so that we might learn to pick ourselves up Alfred said to him.
As we go through life’s road, we will face head on with threats and temptations of life. And these trials and tribulations will never stop weakening us from achieving our goals. Sometimes we manage to stand firm, sometimes we fall down to the ground.
Many people search for a saint path where weakness is zero. But I want to stress here, there is no such path, it’s impossible and it only leads to melancholy/misery/downhearted, whatever you may say it. This is because feeling downhearted is a natural phenomenon in our daily lives.
We fall or in other words break down or feel spiritually weak because we are human; as an English proverbs says ‘To err is human.’ Meaning that no one is perfect. Due to the incompleteness of human, we are prone to feeling weak as we are prone to injury.
We actually need to treat our ‘broken heart’ as a motivation for us to get back up again!
Here, I want to share with you that, even in times, I feel like breaking down.
Hope of standing up again!
What is the only hope for us to stand back up again?
To me, there’s nothing in the world that can help you rise from darkness except for the shining light of Iman to Allah.
How is our Iman?
Have we turned to Allah?
Have we texted Allah?
Have we called Allah?
Have we spent quality time with Allah?
Have we cried in front of Allah?
Have you made a special date with Allah?
This is the only light that will shine your path showing you where the exit of this dark cave is.
Allah and His promises
Iman is faith. So by being faithful to Allah, it will pull us back to a state of motivation. But Imanwill never promptly throw you out from being weak. Faith is just the foundation, it is our choice to choose it and use it or just let it be.
With Iman, all of Allah’s promises are guaranteed.
“ Thy Guardian-Lord hath not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased.” (Adh-Dhuha: 3)
That faith as the foundation, will call us to look back at the days we were strong, and we will surely ponder “Who was the one who gave me strength during those good times?”
“have we not expanded Thee Thy breast? – and removed from Thee Thy burden – The which did gall Thy back?-  and raised high the esteem (in which) Thou (art held)? – So, Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief: – Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. – Therefore, when Thou art free (from Thine immediate task), still labour hard, – and to Thy Lord turn (all) Thy attention.” (Alam Nasyrah: 1 – 8 )
If we focus our lens and do a macro screening, we will understand that “It is He who gave strength in every hardship we experience.”
But the next question is on us.
Either we want to stay on one spot or we want to change!
He, who has no one, has Allah!
I love a quote by Navaid Aziz ((He, who has no one, has Allah”.)) He, who has no one, has Allah”.
Some may argue with me, if “He, who has no one, has Allah” but what about “He who has someone, doesn’t have Allah”?
If that’s the case, you’ve got it all wrong!
Let’s have a good look at this hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah:
“The Prophet said, “Allah says: ‘I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.’ ” Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 :: Hadith 502
In this hadith, Allah will remember us every time and there’s no mentioning in whatever the condition you are in!
Surely, it is not in a blink of an eye
Make that effort to change! Don’t let yourself be in vein!
If you fall stand back up again! Break the chain that restricts your gain!
It is not in a blink of an eye… Because you don’t want to change for a day, but until you die!
Don’t give up! Continue on to stand up!
Say: “O My servants who have transgressed against their souls! despair not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.(Az-Zumar: 53)
Coz after every rainfall must come a rainbow :)
My poem when I was Breaking down…
There was once a time when I was really feeling down, I wrote myself a poem to show my reluctance to change:
“Easier said than done”,
we always say this and that but everything seems to be gone!
“Well done is better than well said”,
but what’s the point on doing it? Are our sweats paid?
Do you think it’s that easy?
If you say so, go on, show that “easy-peasy”,
prove that your words are not just for show!
I’m feeling like breaking down,
I’m losing myself, really, I’m going down,
don’t say to me “Don’t give up”,
because saying that makes me really wanna give up!
If you guys have the guts, can you reply me a poem to say that I’m wrong? Can you? Do you dare? hehe
It’s not the end of the world. Time to stand up again!
The issue that I want to pin point here is how can we be alive again? Talking about weakness makes us weaker by the minute. I always answer that question with another question; why not we choose to be strong? Yeah, why do we always think of being weak when being strong is what we want? my teacher Sir Mohd Abdoh Zainal Abidin (MAZA) always said “Find 100 reasons to be strong and find 100 reasons not to be weak.”
When you feel weak, remember Henry Ford’s words “Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.” When you fail, start again with a new will.
I’d like to share a quotation by Mus’ab bin Umair when his mother asked him to return to the religion of darkness. Mus’ab bin Umair said “Mother, even if you have 100 lives, and your lives are taken one by one, I will never leave this DEEN.” Masyallah. He never chose to fall but to live life to the fullest.
Last words from me, do not try to fall again once you have stand firm, Tim Duncan’s chant,“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.”
May ALLAH give strength in our road to seek for HIS LIGHT…


truce :)

LET IT. GO  :)

Thursday, 7 June 2012




lagu ni sedappppp sangat...sedih.. :'(
heart touching..huhu..
x percaya ? dengar la..

Leek, ana milk leek
ta3ala 2arrab dommeni, ma7tag
eleek, o ro7i feek
ya 7ob 3omr ana 3omri kollo ha3yesho leek
hawak howa el 7aya,
wenta elly ana, ba3ashe2 hawa
kan 2albi monaah
agmal malak, yekoon ma3ah
yah 2albi nadak wetmanak teb2a enta wayaya
yah ba3d esneen sho2 wa 7aneen ala2eek hena ma3aya
yah dommeni leek, danta 7abibi 7ayaty leek
we 7a3eesh 3omri 3ashan 3ineek
wa 3omri fadak
Eh, a7tag le eh
law kont ganby ma3aya daiman 2olly eh
ya dana min zaman
ma7tag le alb ye7ess beya o a7ess beek
hawak howa el 7aya,
wenta elly ana, ba3ashe2 hawa
kan 2albi mona
agmal malak, yekoon ma3a
yah 2albi nadak wetmanak teb2a enta wayaya
yah ba3d esneen sho2 wa 7aneen ala2eek hena ma3aya
yah dommeni leek, danta 7abibi 7ayaty leek
we 7a3eesh 3omri 3ashan 3ineek
wa 3omri fadak
For youI belong to you
Come, approach, embrace me, I need you
For you, and my soul is in you
Hey love of my life, I will live my whole life for you
Your passion is life
And you are the one who I love his passion
My heart wish was
The most beautiful angel be with him
Oh my heart called you
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh , after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh , hug me to you, you are my lover,
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
Oh my heart called you
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh, hug me to you, you are my lover
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
What? What do I need?
If you were beside me, with me, always
Tell me, what?
Oh, from a long time ago,
I need a heart which can feel me and I can feel it
Your passion is life
And you are the one who I love his passion
My heart wish was
The most beautiful angel be with him
Oh my heart called you
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh , hug me to you, you are my lover
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)
Oh my heart called you
And wished you to stay to be with me
Oh, after these years, longing and nostalgia
I found you here with me
Oh, hug me to you, you are my lover
My life is for you
And I will live my whole life for your eyes
And my life is a sacrifice for you
(and my life is in your hands)


Thursday, 26 April 2012




hari ni result keluar..hee :)
result x bagus pun....
tapi still..kena cakap Alhamdulillah.. : )
kalau x pernah merasa kegagalan..macam mana nak rasa kejayaan kan ?
kalau sentiasa berada di atas macam mana nak merasa berada di bawah ?
baru satu mira.. :)
kau pun da tau kan ada orang yang Allah uji lagi berat ?
kau pun tau kawan kakak senior kau accident a few more days before the examination..and yet dy x boleh amik langsung exam..dy xde result..dy kena repeat the whole semester..
same goes to your housemate..she had to repeat the whole semester..
wouldn't you be grateful and thank Allah ?
awak tu hanya ada satu je paper yang perlu di repeat..not the whole sem !
and in fact..awak dah buktikan yang awak boleh belajar sorg2..tapi better dgn kawan2..hee :)
sebab..awak lulus semua subjek yang awak study sorg2..hey..tahniah okey ?
fizik awak study dengan kawan..thanx to her of course..:)
not that dia ajar x oke..its just that question is hard..everyone said no worries !
Alhamdulillah la kalau mereka lulus fizik..
happy for them of course.. :)
congratulations.. :)
jangan lah bandingkan kegagalan dgn kejayaan..
of course la rasa sakit..
semua orang akan rasa kegagalan tu..
its just about your time to feel it too.. have a wonderful parents you know ?
your father that congratulate you even though you failed one subject..
and your mom that scolded you..for not being focus in your studies..
what else do you want ?
hee..teringat kak sabiha.."ni semua dunia ni ! DUNIA !" hehehe..dengan suara yang geram sangat2 tu.. :) I wish that I am in her arms right now.. :)
awak..Allah kata gagal fizik ni yang terbaik untuk awak buat masa ni.. :)
awak percaya kan ?
sungguh. hati jadi tenang kalau kita ingat Allah..
even ade rasa nak mencurah curah air mata ni.. :)
tapi still rasa sabar..sebab tau Allah ada dengan kita ..  :)
and thanks to pakcik maher zain :)
he kept telling me about HIM.. :) strong.. :) allright ?


Monday, 19 March 2012



to amirah :
~let bygones be bygones~
~let's move forward towards future life~
~let's be more realistic~
~forget everything what u have done from the past~
~and try to forget every single thing of it~
~be brave~
~be strong~
~endure it~
~u don't know what u got in the future~
~whether it is with what or what~
~have faith in Allah~
~HE knows the best for you~
~please ! don't ever look back~
~the time will arise with your best destiny~
~just go on with your life~
~and never look back~
~pray for the best~
~and try to be the very best~
~please try to achieve your dream~
~it is all about you !~
~PLEASE ! do ! have FAITH in the PLAN of ALLAH~

~only Allah knows who suits you perfectly~

~la tahzan~

Sunday, 26 February 2012


rasa itu..datang kembali..
rasa sedih....
semua rasa itu dulu..
tapi bagaikan tidak adil bila mengenangkan masa sekarang..
duhai hati..jauhkanlah perasaan itu daripadaku..

Ya Allah..kuatkanlah hati aku..amin...

Saturday, 28 January 2012



Kau digelar sebagai penyeri dunia
Hadirmu melengkap hubungan manusia
Bukan sahaja dirindui yang biasa
Malah Adama turut sunyi tanpa Hawa

Akalmu senipis bilahan rambut
Tebalkanlah ia dengan limpahan ilmu
Jua hatimu bak kaca yang rapuh
Kuatkanlah ia dengan iman yang teguh

Tercipta engkau dari rusuk lelaki
Bukan dari kaki untuk dialasi
Bukan dari kepala untuk dijunjung
Tapi dekat dibahu untuk dilindung
Dekat jua di hati untuk dikasihi
Engkaulah wanita hiasan duniawi

Mana mungkin lahirnya bayangan yang lurus elok
Jika datangnya dari kayu yang bengkok
Begitulah peribadi yang dibentuk

Didiklah wanita dengan keimanan
Bukannya harta ataupun pujian
Kelak tidak derita berharap pada yang binasa

Engkaulah wanita istimewa

Sedarilah insan istimewa
Bahawa kelembutan bukan kelemahan
Bukan jua penghinaan dari Tuhan
Bahkan sebagai hiasan kecantikan 

Saturday, 14 January 2012




Seandainya tercatat dia milikku
Seandainya tercatat dia untukku
Dekatkanlah daku bermesra padu
Bahagia sentiasa setiap waktu

Tak ingin daku kecewa bercinta
Andai milik bukanlah takdirnya
Bawalah dia sesaujana mata
Biarlah luput kerlipan permata

Biar berjalan di awan gelap
Tanpa cintanya yang kian malap
Takkan lagi daku berharap
Sendirinya berkilau tanpa digilap

Siti Zulaikha engkaulah permata
Penghias seri taman syurgawi
Kasihmu tiada tolok bandingnya
Tersimpul cinta bersama redha-Nya

Siti Zulaikha serikandi kasih suci
Sejernih embun yang putih berseri
Megahlah berdiri tugu cinta ini
Tegak bersama kasih abadi

Namun dengan kuasa yang Esa
Cinta terbiar tersahut disapa
Berputiklah mekar menyinar bahgia
Kasih cinta pada Yusuf mulia